Sunday, September 12, 2004


It is interesting blogging when you don't have any spare time, and you don't have an internet connection.

Time - i do have some spare time, half and hour here and a bit there, but that time i just have to spend talking to Jesus - just me and Jesus.
Its amazing that even though we're on training, so we have lectures every day about Jesus and we have worship times etc, it seems to eat in to my precious time of just me and Jesus. the times that really refresh me, and give me peace, and hope.
SO all my spare time is just spent catching up with Jesus and telling him about whats going on, and asking for help. My job is very hard work. very hard work. And i am not feeling on top of all i have to do - i know i'll never be totally on top of it, but at the moment i'm not sure what things i need to be on top of.

time with Jesus is precious.

and so is time with friends.
I'm having half a day off today and i had yesterday off and its been so beautiful to see my friends. they refresh me so much and encourage me - and its nice to see some people outside of YFC :-) ! when i get to scotland i shall make time for me and Jesus and some time for me and other random people i don't know.

As an aside... i'm just leaving for scotland... and just met a new friend. letters time.

in fact. i love letters, and will reply if you want to send me some!

the thing about friends, Jesus, letters, work etc... is that they all use a lot of time. and time is the one thing you cannot make any more of. You get a certain amount each day, and never any more. you can't save it up, so its so precious.
and if you want stuff to work. you have to give it time.
imagine if we tithed time to Jesus...
so each day we'd give totally with out distraction, with out forward planning 2.4 hours a day to Jesus.

thats a thought.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As soon as you have an address for us to write to - there'll be letters!

11:46 AM  

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