Monday, August 23, 2004

the job starts

Today has been lovely.

but am now too tired to talk about it, but

BBQ's - Mr B made home made burgers... man they tasted amazing.

Got interviewed at St M's tonight, was cool, didn't feel that i said all of what needed to be said, but did give some of my testimony, which was cool. - actually very interesting response. People listened - for most people at st mary's it would have been the first time they would have heard any of it - even the small stuff i said tonight - and it had an effect.

it basically spoke of God being God - and Him being incharge.
One day i shall write up some of my testimony. but not today - its a big job i want to get right.

I love my friends so much. They really blessed me today. They just came and hung out, i needed that so badly.

in less than 6 hours i need to be up to start my new job... :-) Here goes everything.


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