Sunday, August 22, 2004

coming home to family and friends

I got back today from soul survivor c.
It has been a good week, but also very hard. - which i shall write about more latter.

But first,

Coming home (and may be its because the fact that i am leaving on monday brings it home more...) is great.
My parents are both away this weekend, but my brother was in, and it was so good to see him again and chat, even before i went away i hadn't really seen him for a while.

He put with me checking my mail, and catching up on silly admin things while chatting, and then he cooked me food. I miss real food when camping - and i love camping - but sometimes the body just wants meat and veg!

Dad phoned a bit later, and one of my special friends came round and hung out, then mum phoned, and i phoned another special friend, then randomly my cousin came round (who used to live with us for a while...) - unexpected and whom we hadn't seen for ages, and then another two of my special friends came round....

how amazing is that :-)

and.... my friend has brought me a present to say good bye... and its an nomad mp3 player... its so amazing.
I was here putting cd's on to minidiscs... and chatting to andy saying i really wanted a mp3 player.. a bit one so i could have all my cd's with me next year... and now I have one! its so amazing. Jesus has blessed me with the best friends ever.

thank you so much Mr B! I love you.

so... now i'm sitting here putting all my cd's on to my jukebox... :-)

friends and family. actually two of my biggest loves/passions.

thank you for blessing me so much everyone. I am going to miss being so close to you when i go.
I'm going to cry.
time to stop


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