Friday, October 22, 2004

bond and whiskey

So teams sometimes take on attributes of their leaders.

sometimes this is a good thing. other times this is a bad thing. and other times its just amusing.

we've had some hard days with lots of stuff going wrong. and we've prayed together and spent time making stuff work together - unfortunatly i didn't get us to worship together, which i should have done,

but tonight i decided that we would chill out together. and just be. together.

so we got some whiskey, beer, pringles and bicardi in and played bond infront of a beautiful roaring fire.

it was a lot of fun.

so good to see tension drop and just for an evening all of us forget some of the hard stuff.

is this right? I'm not sure. I'm not sure its wrong.

but it happened. and we all laughed together, we all screamed (in love.....) at each other when we died. I got progressively better at bond the more whiskey i had....

we all really enjoyed having fun

i don't know if we can ever do this again with as much effect, or even if we should

but what i do know,
the as a team we are more of a team,

and i hope Jesus enjoyed us having community.

I think he was there. and I know he loves us, and i know we love him

whiskey and bond = worship?

i hope it could be


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