Friday, January 28, 2005

What wouldn't Jesus do?

Bob sent me a very cool present.

Its a T-shirt with Jesus hang gliding on it, with the words, "what wouldn't Jesus do?"

i think thats great :-) very often prob more appropriate for me than "what would Jesus do?" so many times when i've asked that question to myself, i've realised that Jesus wouldn't be in that situation!!!

But there are many times when i'm thinking about doing stuff... silly stuff, when i should ask that question, "What wouldn't Jesus do?"

Jesus prob wouldn't have a huge fight with the lead singer of his band... some one he's leading for year, in a kitchen.... and leaving him in pain for several days...

Jesus prob wouldn't force his band into a river to try and get a cool photo...

Jesus prob wouldn't have a mohawk.

looking back at those, actually in the circumstances, may be he would.

there were good reasons for each one :-0

bible verses

Week 1
Psalm 37v37 - think i've said that one before

Week 2
Jeremiah 15v19
Therefore this is what the Lord says:
"If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me;
If you utter worthy, not worthless, words, you will be my spokesman.
Let this people turn to you,
but you must not turn to them.

Week 3
Ephesians 5v15
Be very careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.
Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is.

Week 4
Isaiah 49v2
He has made my mouh like a sharpened sword,
in the shadow of his hand he hid me;
he made me ino a polished arrow and concealed me in his quiver

I've spent time with these verse,
they are amazing, but my mind is so rubbish at remembering stuff, so they are still not properly in there.
when i get some time i'll write up some of my thoughts about them. If they are interesting, to me any way.


Catch up on the books i've read...

After finishing "Thinking for a change" by John Maxwell - which is really good... really made me think about thinking, and different ways of thinking. Now if only i had the time to put all of what he said in to practice, i'd prob become a highly succseful person... (thats what it said on the front of the book... paraphrased) but what is succses? blah blah blah,

i then read "Facing up" by Bear Grylls.
its great, a very frank and honest, and fun account of Bear's climb up mount everest. Its amazing, i never knew anything about high altitude climbing. its mental. A very inspiring book, all about taking things step by step, and going beyond what you think is possible. Also so much wisdom about not going to the top at some prices. was amazing. Thank you Jude.

Now reading "Now, use your strengths" no idea who it is by... This book is all about using what we are good at, our talents, adding some knowledge and some skill and doing some amazing stuff with our strengths - rather than always focusing on our weaknesses.
really interesting read, and you get a weblink to find out your top 5 themes... which can be turned in to strengths etc. I like the idea. Will say more when i finish. Thank you Mel :-)

No computer

Due to my computer being ill and in need of repairs I haven't had access to the net for a while, apart from stuff at work.. but thats work related.

It's actually been ok, i thought i'd find it a lot harder to live with without my computer, but there has been so much other stuff to do that i haven't missed it that much,

I've missed reading mails properly, and reading other peoples blogs.
I've missed righting my blog, and getting some of my admin done properly.

I've missed having the easyness of preparing stuff which a computer makes so easier...
had to prepare a talk... and eneded up writing loads of stuff on bits of paper, then putting them in the right order... changing the order etc... and then coping them all out again. :-) old style!!!

so, still i have no computer, and what have i learnt?

that it was one of those things i was beginning to get worried about that i loved it too much, some thing i relied on.
Well, it seems i don't. Which is so cool.
throught out my life it seems that Jesus has taken away anything that I have put above him, and it seems that not having my computer has been part of that.
I love Jesus teaching me stuff.

Monday, January 03, 2005

New year resolutions...

My new years resolutions are:-

1) to read a thought provoking book a month
2) to learn a bible verse a week
3) to find a mentor
4) to go on holiday

first bible verse is

Psalm 37v37
Consider the blameless, observe the upright;
there is a future for the man of peace

first book is

Thinking for a change - John Maxwell