Friday, January 28, 2005


Catch up on the books i've read...

After finishing "Thinking for a change" by John Maxwell - which is really good... really made me think about thinking, and different ways of thinking. Now if only i had the time to put all of what he said in to practice, i'd prob become a highly succseful person... (thats what it said on the front of the book... paraphrased) but what is succses? blah blah blah,

i then read "Facing up" by Bear Grylls.
its great, a very frank and honest, and fun account of Bear's climb up mount everest. Its amazing, i never knew anything about high altitude climbing. its mental. A very inspiring book, all about taking things step by step, and going beyond what you think is possible. Also so much wisdom about not going to the top at some prices. was amazing. Thank you Jude.

Now reading "Now, use your strengths" no idea who it is by... This book is all about using what we are good at, our talents, adding some knowledge and some skill and doing some amazing stuff with our strengths - rather than always focusing on our weaknesses.
really interesting read, and you get a weblink to find out your top 5 themes... which can be turned in to strengths etc. I like the idea. Will say more when i finish. Thank you Mel :-)


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