Wednesday, April 05, 2006


To use a phrase off Jude's blog: "Creativity eludes me".

Something i have searched for, worked hard to be, dreamed of being, wished for, hoped for, cried for, and prayed for is creativity.

I have wanted it more than most things in my life.
In every area.
In my actions, in my work, in art, in music, in my spirit, and in my heart and relationships.

I remember getting down on my kness (literally) and praying that Jesus would help me be creative.

I love photoshop. I like editing photos, making things like cd covers, or postcards, or websites.
But i never created. I just edited. Changed.
Even in my music, never creating just taking things i've learnt through hard work and practice, and just using those.

This last week though I have been told by 3 people that are very precious to me that one thing they like about me is that I am creative.
I have been so touched by those comments. Thank you.

When I heard those comments, my brains first reaction is to reject what they have said. To say thank you, but that they are mistaken.

But sometimes things change without you noticing.
Looking back even this last term I have had some amazing privilaged moments of being able to be creative. From writing the drums parts and helping arrange Kurios's new CD ( I just received the mixed version... Thanks Ed. Sounds great) in speaking at YFC mid year retreat. In making a website for Flan's new book. In peoples birthday days. In adventures, in relationships.

Thanks to Jesus and all the other people who aided me in my journey of be coming a creative person. and I look forward to continuing the journey with you all. The journey of taking after my Father, the journey of creating. a very cool journey


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