Wednesday, February 22, 2006


This week I'm in Troon, a small seaside town on the southwest coast of Scotland.

There is a big team of us and we're having a great time in the local school - Marr College.
Every evening we're eating as a group in a different place, and in the church we were at this evening a pastor was hosting us, and he had his two kids with him.
Kids. So many lessons to learn from there.

As we were eating one of the kids was in a different room, and he wanted his dad for something. So he called.
"dad...... dad..... Daaaaad"

The dad was in the middle of a converstation with someone else at the time, and didn't answer.
so what did the kid do?
"Daaaaad..... Daaaaaaaaaad.... Daaaaaaad, come here"

but the dad kept on with his chatting.


The dad got up and went to see his son.

Is that what we do? I wonder.

I've not been having the best week this week. I've felt down, discouraged, low, worried, upset, and sick.
and I called out for Dad. - The big Dad upstairs.
and to be blunt, I've felt like he's ignoring me. Just carrying on His conversations.

so what did i do? just get on with stuff. feeling low.

may be I should take Jesus seriously when he said to come like a child.


Well, may be, but He started it.